Human Barbie Spoils Her Daughter for Her Seventh Birthday – Literally

Barbie. She has the perfect body, designer clothes, a dream house and the ‘ultimate’ boyfriend to match. What every young girl dreams of.

This is equally true for Sarah Burge. Known as ‘The Human Barbie Doll’, from Cambridgeshire in the UK, she has reportedly spent over a million dollars ‘improving’ her appearance. What’s worse, is that she is now encouraging her young daughter Poppy to follow in her footsteps – by presenting her with a $9000 breast-enlargement voucher for her seventh birthday.

The young pole-dance was also spoiled with an elaborate birthday party featuring an X-Factor style competition, fashion parade, and an appearance from the world’s largest rabbit. (Check out all the details here

For Christmas in 2011, Burge reportedly gave her daughter 7,000 worth of liposuction vouchers. She explains she has plans to continue purchasing Poppy plastic surgery vouchers until she is 18 and old enough to spend them.

“I’m investing in my child’s future,” Burge told Sunday Mirror. “It’s empowering for her to be able to take charge of the way she wants to look. The reality of life is people don’t think they look fine as they are.’ (Sunday Mirror, 2012)

The young girl who has dreams of becoming an actress also competes in beauty pageants.

Is it really acceptable for a mother to be encouraging plastic surgery to her daughter at such a young age, if at all?

Media commentator and children’s rights advocate Melinda Tankard Reist explains that young girls “need to see themselves reflected in the bodies of other women,” and this is why positive role models are so important in the lives of these young girls. The ‘Human Barbie’ has copped criticism for her parenting on various internet forums; including comments such as “this little girl’s confidence must be at rock bottom and she is being told she is inferior and must have surgery to be accepted,” and “disgusting. This mother should be ashamed – she is not fit to look after a child” (Daily Mail, 2012)


Poppy Burge apparently ‘squealed with delight’ at her latest birthday present – a voucher for a boob job once she’s 18 – photo from



Boob Job Vouchers for 7-Year-Olds and Spray Tans for Kids, 2011, online media release, BellaSugar, Australia, accessed 27/10/12,


Brady, T 2012, ‘I’m investing in her future’: Mother gives eight-year-old-daughter £8,000 worth of cosmetic surgery vouchers as a birthday present, online media release, London, UK, accessed 27/10/12,


Rushby, A 2012, If you had a daughter would you let her go to this party?, online web post, Cambridge, UK, accessed 28/10/12,

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