Children’s Reality TV Shows: Entertainment or Exploitation?

When does a little ‘harmless fun’ turn into dangerously sex-encouraging activity? Answer: Reality television shows such as Toddlers & Tiaras and Dance Moms are presenting young girls with these messages encouraging a strong focus on outward beauty and sexualised behaviour.

The US reality show Dance Moms highlights the risk of exposing young girls to such messages. The show follows an American junior dance studio and the young girls and their mothers involved. On the show, girls as young as eight are forced to dance burlesque routines in next-to-nothing show costumes and are told to “dance like men can’t afford you.”

What kinds of messages are these activities sending to young participants?

Blogger and media commentator Paula Orbea believes this is teaching women and girls “they are never enough”. She sees this has severe consequences, encouraging girls to “spend the majority of the time feeling inadequate and worrying about their appearance. Women then take action on this, by spending ridiculous amounts of money ‘improving’ themselves.”

Toddlers & Tiaras is equally as distasteful. Well-known ‘pageant princess’ Eden Wood has become a household name on the show. Her mother, former pageant queen Mickie Wood claims her daughter is living her dreams and “loves it”, Wood proudly spends thousands of dollars on items for Eden’s wardrobe – such as a $4000 showgirl costume.

Her trip to Australia in July 2011 was aimed to promote the introduction of the child beauty pageant industry to Australians before the Universal Royalty Pageant was to be held in Melbourne weeks later. The concept of such a pageant being held here sparked debate among many Australians upon its announcement; with groups on Facebook and other social sites forming quickly.

‘Pageant Princess’ Eden Wood in the middle of a typical sexy routine – Image from

In June this year there was reportedly a secret child beauty pageant held in Sydney, where Eden and her mother made an appearance, Eden to teach other girls about pageantry (since she has already retired from competing at the age of six).

It’s inevitable – these toxic pageants are seeping their way into our country.

If you don’t see teaching girls as young as 20 months to parade around in skimpy swimwear and lingerie, join in to take a stand and sign the petition to stop child beauty pageants in Australia here


Tankard Reist, M 2012, Teaching 8 Year Old Girls Burlesque and Stripper Moves, online media release, 13 March 2012, Melinda Tankard Reist MTR, Canberra, ACT, accessed


Eden Wood on Tour 2011, Eccleston D, published July 7 2011, online media release, accessed 28/10/12,

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